Zoom sur l’artiste japonais Yayoi Kusama

Wakiko Tsuboi

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2 réponses

  1. Baile dit :

    Une de mes étudiantes m’a fait découvrir cette artiste japonaise hier en m’envoyant un article dans le journal anglais, The Guardian. Artiste et ecrivain. Je partage avec vous ce message qu’elle vient d’écrire. (Ici, en anglais).

    This is the text of her message:

    Today, with the world facing Covid-19, I feel the necessity to address it with this message:


    Though it glistens just out of reach, I continue to pray for hope to shine through
    Its glimmer lighting our way
    This long-awaited great cosmic glow

    Now that we find ourselves on the dark side of the world
    The gods will be there to strengthen the hope we have spread throughout the universe

    For those left behind, each person’s story and that of their loved ones
    It is time to seek a hymn of love for our souls
    In the midst of this historic menace, a brief burst of light points to the future
    Let us joyfully sing this song of a splendid future
    Let’s go

    Embraced in deep love and the efforts of people all over the world
    Now is the time to overcome, to bring peace
    We gathered for love and I hope to fulfil that desire
    The time has come to fight and overcome our unhappiness

    To Covid-19 that stands in our way
    I say Disappear from this earth
    We shall fight
    We shall fight this terrible monster
    Now is the time for people all over the world to stand up
    My deep gratitude goes to all those who are already fighting.
    Yayoi Kusama

  2. Bessedine Dominique dit :

    Je suis une inconditionnelle de Yayoi KUSAMA. j’ai appris son parcours avec un de nos professeurs à l’UIAD et je l’avais découverte lors d’une exposition très simplifiée à Paris; j’aimerais être tenue au courant des prochaines expos à Paris et plus si possible.

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