Escapade à Londres …


A group of UIAD students enjoyed an Escapade a Londres from 6-9 September.  We made the most of our short time there and saw many things:  St Paul’s, Westminster, Churchill War Rooms, Tate Modern, British Museum, Buckingham Palace, had a lovely walk in St James’ Park, ate and drank in pubs ….and did plenty of shopping!   It was tiring but so interesting, and a lot of fun!

Here are some of our photos of the trip (captions in English or French):

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Un groupe à l’image du séjour, agréable, cultivé et sympathique

June Addison was our guide during our four-day stay in London. She was very professional. Every day she wore a jacket of different, bright colours!! Very nice.

A view of London from the terrace of Tate Modern. One can see the Millennium Bridge and St Paul’s Cathedral, where Horatio Nelson and the Duke of Wellington are buried.

A view of the City from the top of the Tate Modern.  We can see how the London skyline has changed.

A pink taxi on Oxford Street

Beautiful flowers in St James Park

Mur de Camden Market

Nous n’avons pas trouvé Amy Winehouse mais son âme habite son quartier de Camden Market, tellement extraordinaire et dépaysant, une autre facette de London. 

At 4 Carlton Gardens, we discovered the statue of Charles de Gaulle! It is near Trafalgar Square, on the left, walking down the Mall from Buckingham Palace.

On the corner we saw a building where the President of the French National Committee set up the Headquarters of the French Forces in 1940.


(What else, we’re in England?!) 

We had a great evening at the theatre to see Mamma Mia, the musical….everybody was dancing and singing to the ABBA melodies at the end…it was great…we were given a glass of white wine – we paid for it – at the interval …it was really fun….

Sunday morning: Parliament seen from the Victoria Tower Gardens, in the foreground the monument commemorating the emancipation of slaves (1834) & in memory of Sir T. Fowell Buxton.

Postboxes, Horse Guards, Priests … people in London seem to like the colour red!

The Churchill War Rooms where Churchill and his government plotted the allies’ route to victory in WW2.

Madiba and Melanie

The London Eye

Postman’s Park: Home of the Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice

Surprise en fin d’après-midi en traversant le jardin du facteur, une halte calme et verdoyante au milieu de la ville, les écureuils sont au rendez-vous pour le casse-croûte. Profitons-en pour capter cet instant-là.

Mélanie Brumberg

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1 réponse

  1. BAUDRU dit :

    j’aurais bien aimé être avec vous!

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